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Chauvin Arnoux Group

The CHAUVIN ARNOUX industrial group is a worldwide player in the measurement sector with comprehensive expertise in the measurement of electrical and physical quantities.

In 1893, Raphael CHAUVIN and René ARNOUX joined together to found Chauvin Arnoux.
120 years later, the adventure continues and today the company is an expert in the measurement of electrical and physical quantities in industry and the tertiary sector.

The company's original industrial and entrepreneurial spirit remains, but the Chauvin Arnoux Group's influence now covers the whole world. Its expertise is structured and promoted through four companies:



CHAUVIN ARNOUX : portable measuring instruments in a wide variety of fields, including testing and inspection, physical measurements, laboratory instrumentation, power and energy


CHAUVIN ARNOUX ENERGY : fixed equipment for measuring and monitoring electrical networks, energy management and optimization systems, manufacturing of relays.


PYROCONTROLE : temperature sensors for industrial environments and control loops.


MANUMESURE : metrology and regualtory testing.



Every year, the Group invests 11% of its revenues in Research and Development of new products to confirm its expertise and respond effectively to its customers' requirement.

The Group's commercial and industrial subsidiaries give it worldwide coverage backed by its partner distributors. Each of our subsidiaries (United States, China, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, United Kingdom, Sweden and Lebanon) is responsible for selling all the Group's products in its business area.

Coverage of the other countries is provided by the Export Sales departments of Chauvin Arnoux, Pyrocontrole and Enerdis. They are backed locally by a vast network of specialized distributors, thus ensuring that they remain close to our customers.

Our industrial strategy is based on three production sites in France manufacturing the sub-assemblies and products for the Chauvin Arnoux® and Enerdis® brands, and a site specialized in manufacturing Pyrcocontrole temperature sensors. In addition to these core production facilities, there is also an industrial site in Italy for manufacturing industrial relays, as well as one in the United States and another in China to meet the specific requirements of those markets.

This industrial network reflects the Group's determination to control the supply and quality of its products so that it can respond quickly to the markets' requirements.

The Group's quality policy enables it to supply customers with products which meet its commitments and comply with both national and international standards, particularly in terms of metrology and the environment, while also ensuring user safety.

This approach is formalized by ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications and has led to the establishment of an "EcoConception" label (EcoDesign).