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I comunicati stampa del Gruppo Chauvin Arnoux

30 Apr 2019

CA 1860 & CA 1862

Termometri a infrarossi

I termometri a infrarossi senza contatto CA 1860 e CA 1862 Chauvin Arnoux sono semplici e precisi. Oltre ad essere ergonomici, leggeri, maneggevoli, robusti e a tenuta stagna (IP65), offrono molteplici funzioni di misurazione, in particolare soglie di allarme configurabili.

02 Nov 2011

Calibrators - C.A 1621, C.A 1623 & C.A 1631

Competitive, compact and accurate

Want to calibrate your temperature sensors, resistive probes or process signals? To generate, simulate and measure all the low-level signals encountered in industry with a high degree of accuracy, Chauvin Arnoux is marketing a new range comprising 3 calibrators: the C.A 1621, C.A 1623 and C.A 1631.

Multi-function installation tester - C.A 6116

Standard-compliant electrical installation testing

New multi-function installation tester designed, developed and manufactured in France. This multilingual instrument can be used for verification and testing in accordance with the applicable international and national standards: IEC 60364-6, NF C 15-100, VDE 100, XP C 16-600, etc.